Irish Gold Sea Moss

$18.00 - $84.00
Irish Gold Sea Moss

(Back in Stock!)

Our Irish Gold Sea Moss Is Wild Harvested In The Clear Oceans Of Grenada. Located Far Away From Polluted Waters, Ensuring A Complete Benefit From Its Minerals. Carefully Laid Out In The Sun, Our Moss Is Never Bleached Or Dyed.

Sea Moss Has Many Benefits For The Body. The Body Is Composed of 102 Minerals. Sea Moss Has 92 Of Those Minerals. Combined With Bladderwrack, You Get The Complete 102! Sea Moss Is Great For Treating The Common Cold, Removing Mucus From The Body. It Helps The Thyroid, Nourishes The Skin And Hair, Increases Libido And More!

1. Wash 1-2 Oz Of Sea Moss To Remove Excess Dirt And Sand. Note* Sea Moss Expands A Little Goes Far.
2. Soak Sea Moss between 6-8 Hours in Spring Water Or Overnight.
3. Blend Sea Moss With 1/2- 1 Cup Of Spring Water.
4. Store Moss In Fridge In A Air Tight Glass Container For Up To 2-3 Weeks.

Sea Moss Is Best Used In Smoothies, Soups, Sauces, Face Mask, Hair Mask, Hair Gel, Soaps Or Taken By Mouth As Much As You Would Like Daily!

(Ships Via USPS ground within 1-2 business days)